Astos Solutions
Astos Solutions provide software for engineers to solve optimisation and optimal control problems, with a focus on space applications. Astos Solutions have accompanied the WORHP development since its inception in 2006.
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Center for Industrial Mathematics
Prof. Büskens' working group Optimisation and Optimal Control is located at the Center for Industrial Mathematics.
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European Space Agency
The Noordwijk-based TEC-ECM control division of the European Space Agency (ESA) has given important impulses and provided funding through GSTP for the development of WORHP as the European NLP solver.
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European Space Operations Centre
WORHP is being evaluated and used by mission analysis experts at ESOC in Darmstadt.
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German Aerospace Center
The DLR has been a significant sponsor of WORHP and WORHP-related development since 2006.
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Steinbeis Forschungszentrum Optimierung, Steuerung und Regelung
Steinbeis Forschungszentrum Optimierung, Steuerung und Regelung holds the rights to WORHP and supervises its development.
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Universität Bremen
Academic home of Prof. Christof Büskens, who is one of the leaders of the development team of WORHP.
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Universität der Bundeswehr München
Academic home of Prof. Matthias Gerdts, who led the development of the QP solver.
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Centre of Operational Research, Management Sciences and Information Systems
The Centre of Operational Research, Management Sciences and Information Systems is located at the University of Southampton and cooperates with us on the topic of filter methods and multi-criteria optimisation.
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Clean Sky
Clean Sky is the most ambitious aeronautical research programme ever launched in Europe. Its mission is to develop breakthrough technologies to significantly increase the environmental performances of airplanes and air transport, resulting in less noisy and more fuel efficient aircraft, hence bringing a key contribution in achieving the Single European Sky environmental objectives.
Visit Clean Sky
WORHP has placed a successful proposal in the Green Operations section. -
Institute of Flight System Dynamics
The Institute of Flight System Dynamics, led by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Florian Holzapfel, is located at the Technical University in Munich (Garching) and cooperates with us in the area of optimal control.
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Ressources for A Mathematical Programming Language, which provides an interface to model optimisation problems in a simple way close to natural mathematical notation.
Visit AMPL